Software AG Installer 10.3 | Using the GUI to Install | Use Installation Scripts | Edit an Existing Script
Edit an Existing Script
Important: Do not edit a script manually, by opening the text file.
1. Click Edit script.
2. In the Script file to edit field, browse to the file that contains the script to edit.
3. If you want to save the edited script under a different name, in the Save script to file field, type the name of the file in which to save the edited script. You can specify any file name that is permitted by your operating system. The directory to which you save the file must already exist.
4. When you created the script, you might have provided a master password to encrypt the stored Empower password. If so, provide that master password so the installer can decrypt the Empower password.
5. Click OK, go to Use a Proxy Server, and follow the rest of the instructions in this chapter.

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