Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Release Notes  —

Platform Coverage

This document covers the following topics:

List of Components per Platform

















EntireX Broker x(4) x(6) x   x x x x x     x x x x
EntireX Workbench                       x x x x
EntireX RPC                              
Batch RPC Server x x x                        
CICS RPC Server x x                          
IMS RPC Server x                            
COBOL Server/Client x x x                        
Micro Focus RPC Server         x x x x x     x x x x
PL/I Server/Client x                            
C RPC Server/Client     x(5)   x x x x x   x x x x x
Java RPC Server/Client x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
XML/SOAP RPC Server/Client x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
WebSphere MQ RPC Server x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
WebSphere MQ Listener x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
DCOM RPC Client (1)                           x  
.NET RPC Server/Client (1)                           x x
RPC-ACI Bridge x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
CICS ECI RPC Server x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
IMS Connect RPC Server x(3)       x x x x x     x x x x
EntireX ACI                              
Broker Stubs x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Java ACI x       x x x x x     x x x x
ActiveX Control                           x  
System Management Hub         x x x x x     x x x x
Broker Agent x       x x x x x     x x x  
JMS Support         x x x x x     x x x x
Attach Manager x(2)       x x x x x     x x x x

In accordance with the license agreement you concluded with Software AG, your EntireX license includes either full functionality or specific EntireX components.


(1) Application wizard for Visual Studio .NET 2010 also provided in installation kit.
(2) The attach services supplied with Broker Services are still supported in this version but may be replaced in the future.
(3) Batch only. These components included as a TAR file in the z/OS installation kit and must be copied to your z/OS UNIX environment. See Installing EntireX Java Components under z/OS UNIX.
(4) Batch only. "Broker" here refers to the broker kernel, also known as broker nucleus. In all versions of EntireX under z/OS, the EntireX broker kernel runs in batch mode only, either as a job or a started task. It does not run under TSO, CICS, Com-plete or any other online environment.
(5) Only servers are supported; a server example is delivered.
(6) Batch only. "Broker" here refers to the broker kernel, also known as broker nucleus. In all versions of EntireX under z/VSE, the EntireX broker kernel runs in batch mode only. It does not run in any online environment.
(7) Windows 32-bit Platforms:
- Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (x86)
- Windows 8 (x86)
(8) Windows 64-bit Platforms:
- Windows 7 Professional/Ultimate/Enterprise (x86-64)
- Windows 8 (x86-64)
- Windows Server 2008 Standard/Enterprise (x86-64, Amazon EC2)
- Windows Server 2012 (x86-64)
(9) Please note that IBM's planned end-of-support date for z/OS version 1.12 is 30 September 2014.

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Platform and Version Support

Software AG provides EntireX support for the operating/teleprocessing system versions supported by their respective manufacturers. In general, when an operating/teleprocessing system provider stops supporting a version of an operating/teleprocessing system, Software AG will stop supporting that operating/teleprocessing system version.

Software AG plans to provide support for previous versions of EntireX and predecessor products of EntireX as follows:

End-of-Maintenance Dates for Previous Versions of EntireX

With this release of EntireX, product versions not listed below are no longer supported.

Product Release Platform Release Date End-of-Maintenance Date
EntireX Communicator 7.1 IBM i Series 6.1 April 2010  
IBM i Series 7.1 November 2012  
EntireX Communicator 7.2 z/VSE 4.3 July 2008 31 May 2014
z/VSE 5.1 November 2011  
EntireX Communicator 7.3 z/VM 5.4 September 2008 31 December 2014
z/VM 6.1 October 2009 30 April 2013
z/VM 6.2 December 2011  
webMethods EntireX 8.0 OpenVMS IA-64 December 2008  
webMethods EntireX 8.1 BS2000/OSD December 2009  
webMethods EntireX 8.2 z/OS, UNIX, Windows December 2010 30 June 2014
HP-UX 11i v3 for PA RISC December 2010 31 December 2016
webMethods EntireX 9.0 z/OS, UNIX, Windows June 2013 30 June 2016
webMethods EntireX 9.5 z/OS, UNIX, Windows November 2013  

If you have access to Empower, you can also see the detailed and most recent information in the EntireX Roadmap.

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Current Version of EntireX per Operating System

This table shows the latest version of EntireX per platform. In most cases, earlier versions of EntireX are also supported. See Platform and Version Support for full list.

Operating System EntireX
z/OS V1.12, V1.13, V2.1 9.5
z/VSE V4.3, V5.1 7.2.3
BS2000/OSD 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 8.1 SP1
z/VM 5.4, 6.2 7.3
OpenVMS 8.3-1H1, 8.4 for Itanium (64-bit) 8.0
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for IBM System z (64-bit) 9.5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for IBM System z (64-bit) 9.5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for IBM System z (64-bit) 9.5
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for Amazon EC2 (64-bit) 9.5
Solaris SPARC 10, 11 (64-bit) 9.5
HP-UX 11i v2 for PA-RISC
HP-UX 11i v3 for PA-RISC
HP-UX 11i v2 for Itanium 2 8.1
HP-UX 11i v3 for Itanium 2 9.5
AIX 6.1 (64-bit) 8.2
AIX 7.1 (64-bit) 9.5
IBM i Series 7.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for x86 (32-bit) 8.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 for AMD64 and EM64T (x86-64) 8.1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for x86 (32-bit) 8.2
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 for AMD64 and EM64T (x86-64) 9.5
Red Hat Enterprise Server Linux 5 for x86 (32-bit) 8.2
Red Hat Enterprise Server Linux 5 for AMD64 and EM64T (x86-64) 9.5
Red Hat Enterprise Server Linux 6 for AMD64 and EM64T(x86-64) 9.5
Windows XP Professional (32-bit, x86)
Windows Vista (32-bit, x86)
Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise editions (32-bit, x86)
Windows Server 2008 Standard and Enterprise editions (32-bit, x86) 9.0
Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise editions (32-bit, x86)
Windows 8 (32-bit, x86)
Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate and Enterprise editions (64-bit, x86-64)
Windows 8 (64-bit, x86-64)
Windows Server 2008 Standard and Enterprise editions (64-bit, x86-64 and Amazon EC2)
Windows Server 2012 (64-bit, x86-64)

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Supported RPC Protocols

RPC Protocol(1) Feature(2) EntireX EntireX Adapter for Integration Server PI Adapter for EntireX Natural More Information
Mainframe ONE Open Systems
2000 IDL unbounded arrays 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 4.1.3 8.1 6.1.1 PL13 Unbounded arrays are arrays with variable upper bounds, see array-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar. For the programming language COBOL they can be defined with an upper maximum and mapped to COBOL data items with the DEPENDING ON clause. See Tables with Variable Size - DEPENDING ON Clause.
IDL types PU, NU 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 4.1.3 8.1 6.1.1 PL13 The data types packed and unpacked decimal unsigned support the programming languages COBOL and PL/I. See IDL Data Types under Software AG IDL File.
IDL structs 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 4.1.3 8.1 6.1.1 PL13 An IDL struct describes a user-defined type for reusability. For RPC server with a CICS channel container interface, it describes the layout of container. See structure-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar.
IDL aligned attribute 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 n/a n/a n/a The aligned attribute is relevant for the programming languages COBOL and PL/I. For other languages it is not relevant, so for Natural RPC clients, including Natural RPC clients generated with the Natural Wrapper, send the aligned attribute to the target RPC server. See attribute-list under Software AG IDL Grammar.
IDL parameters with more than 3 indices (all indices up to the parent on level 1 counted) 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 n/a n/a n/a See array-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar.
IDL library or IDL program longer than 8 characters 5.4 7.1 4.1.0 4.2.6 8.1 6.3.7 Long IDL library and program names are a challenge for languages such as COBOL and Natural, which restrict program names to 8 characters. These long IDL names are nevertheless supported by EntireX. If a Natural server is wrapped with Natural Wrapper or extracted with IDL Extractor for Natural with a long IDL program name, this forces a CVM file and protocol 2030. See When is a CVM File Required? in the Natural Wrapper documentation. If a COBOL server is wrapped with COBOL Wrapper or extracted with IDL Extractor for COBOL with a long IDL program name, this forces an SVM file but no increase of protocol level. See Handling SVM Files in the RPC server documentation for CICS | Batch | IMS | Micro Focus | CICS ECI | IMS Connect | BS2000/OSD or EntireX Adapter documentation. See also library-definition and program-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar.
Reliable RPC 8.0 7.2 4.1.1 4.2.5 8.1 6.3.6 Reliable RPC.
CICS Channel Container 8.2.2 7.1 4.1.0 n/a n/a n/a Natural RPC clients generated with Natural Wrapper can call COBOL programs using CICS with channel container calling convention. See CICS with Channel Container Calling Convention (COBOL Wrapper | Extractor).
Mixed case RPC passwords 8.2.2 8.2.2 no 4.1.4 8.1 6.1.1 PL21 Allow RPC passwords with lowercase characters. See Natural Security under Common Features of Wrappers and RPC-based Components.
2010 Natural optional parameters n/a n/a n/a 4.1.3 8.1 6.1.1 PL13 Optional parameters are a special Natural feature. See Natural documentation.
2020 IDL types U, UV 7.3 7.1 4.1.1 4.2.1 8.1 6.2.1 The Unicode data types support all programming languages with separate Unicode and character types such as COBOL, Natural and C. See IDL Data Types under Software AG IDL File.
Up to 99 IDL Levels 7.3 7.1 4.1.1 4.2.1 8.1 6.2.1 IDL levels are used in conjunction with parameter grouping. Parameters are either scalar or a member of the immediately preceding group that has been assigned a lower level number. See simple-parameter-definition under Software AG IDL Grammar.
2030 Natural Redefine and other features 8.2 8.2 no 4.2.7 and 8.2.2 8.2.4 6.3.9 Supported by IDL Extractor for Natural on server side. See When is a CVM File Required? in the Natural Wrapper documentation for full list of features.
2040(3) Increased precision for IDL types N, NU, P, PU no no no 8.2.2 no no The total number of digits (before and after the decimal point) is increased from 29 to 31. The number of digits after the decimal point can be 31. See Natural documentation.
n/a = not applicable
no = not supported


  1. To enable communication it is not required that both partners (RPC client and RPC server) support the same level of RPC protocol. There is a handshake to negotiate the highest protocol level supported by both ends. The RPC protocols 1110 thru 1140 (which are not documented here) may occur in communications as well if older RPC components are used.
  2. To enable communication the feature used must be supported by both partners (RPC client and RPC server), otherwise communication is not possible.
  3. Although EntireX, EntireX Adapter for Integration Server and PI Adapter for EntireX do not support RPC protocol 2040, communication with Natural is possible if the feature used (see Note 2) is supported by both partners (RPC client and RPC server).

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Functionality Dropped in Version 9.5

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Functionality Dropped in Version 9.0

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Functionality to be Dropped in Future Releases

The following features and platforms are not planned to be supported in future versions.

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