Version 9.5 SP1
Quick Reference

 —  Administration  —

Environment Variables in EntireX

This document gives an overview of environment variables in EntireX and how they are used.

Table of Environment Variables

The table below provides an overview of environment variables used on the various platforms supported by EntireX.

Environment Variable Platform Opt/
Description More Information
z/OS Win UNIX z/VM
SAG     x   R Root directory for all Software AG infrastructure products (e.g. System Management Hub, Software AG Web Server).  
EXXDIR     x   R Top level directory for EntireX.  
EXXVERS     x   R Version level directory of the EntireX. Deprecated. Kept for reasons of compatibility with earlier versions.  
PATH     x   R System variable. Additional program directories required by EntireX are added to this variable by the EntireX environment script.
Not required by EntireX Mini Runtime.
See Shell Environment Settings.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH     x   R System variable. Additional shared library directories required by EntireX are added to this variable by the EntireX environment script. See Shell Environment Settings.
SHLIB_PATH     x   R Same as LD_LIBRARY_PATH on HP-UX. See Shell Environment Settings.
LIBPATH     x   R Same as LD_LIBRARY_PATH on AIX. See Shell Environment Settings.
CLASSPATH   x x   R System variable. Additional JAR file path entries required by EntireX are added to this variable by the EntireX environment script (UNIX) or during installation (Windows).  
ARGDIR     x   R Home directory of the System Management Hub See System Management Hub for EntireX.
ARGVERS     x   R Version of the System Management Hub  
ETB_ATTR   x x   O Value of Broker attribute file. Set automatically by the Broker startup shell script. See Broker Attributes.
ETB_LOG   x x   O Accounting file. See Accounting in EntireX Broker.
ETB_NONACT x x x   O Limits the TCP/IP connection lifetime. Stub-to-broker connection non-activity time in seconds. If not 0, connections with a non-activity time greater than ETB_NONACT will be closed. See Limiting the TCP/IP Connection Lifetime under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.
ETB_SOCKETPOOL x x x   O Values: ON (default) or OFF to establish an affinity between threads and TCP/IP connections in a DVIPA environment. See Support of Clustering in a High Availability Scenario under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.
ETB_STUBLOG x x x x O Trace level for the EntireX Broker API. See Application Stublog File in the UNIX administration documentation |
Tracing for Stubs under z/OS | Windows | z/VM.
ETB_STUBLOGPATH   x x   O Under UNIX and Windows, the directory where the log file is created if ETB_STUBLOG is used.  
ETB_TIMEOUT x x x x O Stub transport timeout. See Setting the Timeout for the Transport Method under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | BS2000/OSD z/VM.
ERX_TRACELEVEL   x x   O Sets the trace level for EntireX RPC Runtime. Tracing for various EntireX components such as DCOM Wrapper, .NET Wrapper and C Wrapper. See Tracing webMethods EntireX under UNIX | Windows | BS2000/OSD.
ETB_TRANSPORT x x x   O Sets the default transport method for Broker stubs. See Setting Transport Methods for Broker Stubs under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | BS2000/OSD | z/VM.
ADALNK   x x   O The Adabas module that is needed by the Broker kernel to access the Adabas persistent store. See Managing the Broker Persistent Store under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | BS2000/OSD.
ETBLNK     x   R Identifies the absolute path to the broker stubs library if EntireX Broker has been installed. See Broker Stubs.
ERX_TRACEFILE   x x   O Sets the name of the trace file for EntireX RPC Runtime. Tracing for various EntireX components such as DCOM Wrapper, .NET Wrapper and C Wrapper. See Tracing webMethods EntireX under UNIX | Windows | BS2000/OSD.
ERX_ETBAPIVERS   x x   O Determines the Broker API version to use. EntireX components such as DCOM Wrapper, .NET Wrapper and C Wrapper and the EntireX Broker are able to detect automatically the best API version to use (if no environment variable is defined or the value 0 is assigned). However, for backward compatibility to EntireX Broker, it might be necessary to set a preferred API Version for the Broker.
ERX_CODEPAGE   x x   O Sets the locale string to be used for internationalization with the EntireX RPC Runtime. Internationalization for various EntireX components such as DCOM Wrapper, .NET Wrapper and C Wrapper, if communicating with EntireX Broker version 7.1.x and below. See Preparing EntireX Components for Internationalization.
NA2_BKDBGS   x x   O Security exit debug level. Used for protecting the Broker kernel on UNIX and Windows to leverage the local security system.  
NA2_BKDBGF   x x   O Security exit debug file. Used for protecting the Broker kernel on UNIX and Windows to leverage the local security system. See Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Kernel under UNIX | Windows.
NA2_BKDIAG   x x   O Security exit diagnostics. Use only if requested by Software AG support.  
NA2_BKPRIV   x x x O Security exit setting. See Setting up EntireX Security for Broker Kernel under UNIX | Windows;
Step 4: Rename SECUEXI0 to SECUEXIT for Security (Optional).
REGFILE     x   R RGS repository for Software AG Base Technology components under UNIX.  

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Using Environment Variables under z/OS

In Batch, CICS and IMS, use the SAGTOKEN Utility to set and delete environment variables. See SAGTOKEN Utility under Administration of Broker Stubs under z/OS.

In Com-plete, use the EXAENV environment store to set and delete environment variables. See EXAENV Environment Store under Administration of Broker Stubs under z/OS.

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Using Environment Variables under UNIX

The following table shows how to use environment variables with the C, Bourne and Korn shells. For other shells, see your UNIX documentation.

C Shell

Action Syntax Example
Set environment variable setenv variable value setenv ERX_TRACELEVEL ADVANCED
Delete environment variable unsetenv variable unsetenv ERX_TRACELEVEL

Bourne and Korn Shells

Action Syntax Example
Set environment variable variable = value
export variable
Delete environment variable unset variable unset ERX_TRACELEVEL

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Using Environment Variables under Windows

The following table shows how to use environment variables under Windows:

Action Syntax Examples
Set environment variable SET variable = value SET ERX_TRACELEVEL=ADVANCED
Delete environment variable SET variable = SET ERX_TRACELEVEL=

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Using Environment Variables under BS2000/OSD (Batch, Dialog)

Environment variables are emulated with SDF variables or, failing that, with job variables.

Replace all underscores in the variable names by hyphens. For example, variable ETB_STUBLOG is called ETB-STUBLOG under BS2000/OSD.

The following table shows how to use job variables under BS2000/OSD:

Action Syntax Example
Set environment variable /CATJV variable /CATJV ETB-STUBLOG
/SETJV variable,C'value' /SETJV ETB-STUBLOG,C'1'
Delete environment variable /ERAJV variable /ERAJV ETB-STUBLOG

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