Version 6.3.8 for UNIX
 —  Installation on UNIX  —

After the Installation

After the installation has been performed successfully, a variety of post-installation activities are necessary.

Post-Installation Steps Common to All Software AG Products

This section describes the activities which need to be performed for all Software AG products after the installation procedure for your Software AG product has been successfully completed.

Dismounting and Unloading Installation Medium

Dismount the installation medium and unload it using the following commands:

Command Description
su - root
To dismount an installation medium you must be root.
umount mount-dir
Execute the umount command.
rmdir mount-dir
Remove the mount directory (optional).
Return to "sag" user.

On Solaris machines on which the volume management daemon vold is active, use the eject(1) command to dismount and to unload your installation medium.

Checking Correctness of User and Group Information

Ensure that all installed files are owned by the user "sag" and have the group ID "sag".

Creating the Environment File

The product installation generates an environment settings file

  1. Review the contents of and customize it as necessary.

  2. Rename to another file name (for example, to sagenv).

    If you are performing an update installation and changes were made to your environment, replace only the modified product-specific part in your existing sagenv file.

Modifying User Profiles

Enter the following command line in the .profile file of each user who will use this environment permanently:

. $SAG/sagenv

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