Version 4.2.6 for Mainframes
 —  Operations  —

Common Memory Pools

This document describes the programs that are provided to start and stop global common memory pools in Natural under BS2000/OSD and the macros that enable you to define local (or global) common memory pools in Natural under BS2000/OSD

The following topics are covered:

Global Common Memory Pools

The following programs are provided to start and stop global common memory pools in Natural under BS2000/OSD:

In the following, vrs stands for version, release, system maintenance level of the product.


The program CMPSTART does the following:

The keyword parameters TXTSIZE and BPLIST (see below) are only valid for program CMPSTART and when starting a Natural global buffer pool.

The keyword parameters JV and JVSUFX (see below) are only valid for program CMPSTART when starting a global common memory pool.

All other keyword parameters are identical with the keyword parameters for the macro ADDON used for generating the module BS2STUB.

The following keyword parameters are available:


TXTSIZE - Buffer-Pool Text-Record Size

This keyword parameter defines the Natural buffer-pool text-record size in KB.

TXTSIZE=xx Possible values for xx are: 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16.
TXTSIZE=4 By default, the Natural buffer pool has a text-record size of 4 KB.

BPLIST - Preload List For Global Buffer Pool

This keyword parameter defines the name of a preload list for a Natural global buffer pool. The defined Natural programs of the preload list will be loaded into the Natural global buffer pool when the first user logs on.

BPLIST=name See the Natural profile parameter BPLIST.

JV - Create a Job Variable

This keyword parameter defines whether a job variable shall be created. This job variable enables the status of the common memory pool to be controlled in the job control language.

0 The common memory pool is not ready (in creation mode).
1 The common memory pool is ready (successfully enabled and initialized).

The name of the job variable has 2 parts:

Logic of Job Variable Navigation:

When the program CMPSTART has started, a check is made whether the job variable is available. If so, the value of the job variable is set to "0". If not, the job variable is cataloged and its value is set to "0". When the common memory pool was successfully enabled and initialized, the value of the job variable is set to "1". When the global common memory pool is terminated, the job variable is erased.

JV=YES A job variable shall be created.
JV=NO By default, no job variable will be used.

JVSUFX - Suffix of the Job Variable Name

This keyword parameter defines the second part of the job variable name.

JVSUFX=xxxxxxxx Maximally 8 characters for the second part of the job variable name.
JVSUFX=.SAG.JV This is the default value.



The Jobvariable name is EDTvrsGA.SAG##JV.

Operator Commands

These operator commands terminate a global common memory pool:




This operator command displays the global common memory pool's name, position, address, size and activation time on the console:


This operator command terminates the global common memory pool's start task with a dump:



CMPEND Program

Program CMPEND terminates the start tasks for all global common memory pools. The input for CMPEND are the names of the global common memory pools.



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Local Common Memory Pools

The following section describes the macros that enable you to define local (or global) common memory pools in Natural under BS2000/OSD:


The macro BS2STUB does the following:

The BS2STUB macro has the following parameters:


name - CSECT Name

name Specifies the CSECT name. The first three characters must not contain the value NAT.
name BS2STUB This is the default name.

PARMOD - 24/31 Bit Addressing Mode

This parameter specifies whether 24 or 31 bit addressing mode is to be used.

PARMOD=nn Possible values for nn: 24 or 31 (bit).
PARMOD=31 By default, the address mode setting is 31 bit.

PROGMOD - Loading above or below the 16-MB Line

This parameter specifies whether dynamically loaded programs are to be loaded above or below the 16-MB line.

PROGMOD=ANY ANY means that the module is loaded above or below the 16-MB line. This is the default setting.
PROGMOD=24 24 means that the module is loaded below the 16-MB line.


The macro ADDON defines a common memory pool in the ADDON table of program BS2STUB. It contains the following keyword parameters which are also applicable to program CMPSTART:


ACCS - Access To Common Memory Pool

This parameter determines how the common memory pool can be accessed.


This means the access is read-only (write-protected).

To be able to set ACCS=READ, the user ID must be authorized for the BS2000/OSD CSTMP macro in the user catalog (JOIN command with C-M=YES).

ACCS=WRITE By default, the common memory pool is write-enabled.

ADDR - Size of Common Memory Pool Address

This parameter determines the number of megabytes for the defined address of the common memory pool. The size must be specified. No default value exists.

ADDR=number number must be >=0.

ALNK - Activate AUTOLNK Function

This parameter determines whether the AUTOLNK function of the dynamic binder loader (DBL) is activated.

ALNK=NO The AUTOLNK function is deactivated.
ALNK=YES By default, the AUTOLNK function is activated.

DATA - Size of Data Space Area

This parameter can be specified in conjunction with the DESA parameter and defines the size of the data space area for the buffer pool or swap pool to be started. The following settings are possible:

DATA=nnnMB Specifies the size of the data space area in Megabytes.
DATA=nnnKB Specifies the size of the data space area in Kilobytes.

Using the DATA parameter in the ADDON macro

Using the DATA parameter for the CMPSTART program

To start a Natural global buffer pool you specify DESA=YES and use this parameter to determine the size of the data space area in Megabytes/Kilobytes. The size must be specified, because no default value exists.

DESA - ESA Data Space Area

This parameter must be specified to determine whether or not an ESA data space area is to be created for a Natural buffer pool or a Natural swap pool.

DESA=YES An ESA data space area is to be created.
DESA=NO By default, no ESA data space area is to be created.
An ESA data space should be created only for one global common memory pool which has its own start task. The ESA data space will no longer be available when the task that created the ESA data space terminates normally or abnormally.

LIBR - Load Library

This parameter determines from where the defined module is to be loaded. No default value exists. If the operand of parameter LIBR is not defined, only a common memory pool will be enabled (ENAMP+REQMP).

LIBR=library library is the name of the load library.
LIBR=BLSLIB The libraries with the link names BLSLIB and BLSLIB01 to BLSLIB99 are to be used.
LIBR=CLASS-4 Module is loaded as subsystem in class 4 memory.

LOAD - Method for Loading a Module into a Common Memory Pool

This parameter determines which macro shall be used for loading a module into a common memory pool.


The macro ASHARE will be used.

If ASHARE is defined, the operand of parameter PFIX must be YES.

LOAD=BIND By default, the macro BIND will be used..

NAME - Common Memory Pool/Module Name

This parameter determines the name of the module and/or the name of the common memory pool. The name must be specified. No default value exists.

NAME=name name is a valid name of common memory pool or module.

The maximum number of characters in a name is:

8 characters Module name (name of common memory pool); Natural buffer pool.
16 characters All other common memory pools.

PFIX - Fixed Address

This parameter determines whether or not the common memory pool's address should be fixed.

PFIX=YES The common memory pool's address should be fixed.
PFIX=NO By default, the common memory pool's address should not be fixed.

For a global Natural load pool, this parameter must be set to YES.

POSI - Position Relative to 16-MB Line

This parameter determines the position of the common memory pool, which can be above or below the 16-MB line.

POSI=ABOVE The common memory pool is to be located above the 16-MB line.
POSI=BELOW By default, the common memory pool is to be located below the 16-MB line.

SCOP - Scope of Common Memory Pool

This parameter determines the scope of the common memory pool.


For information on the scopes of a common memory pool, see the description of the ENAMP macro in the BS2000/OSD documentation.
SCOP=GLOBAL This is the default setting.

SIZE - Size of Common Memory Pool

This parameter specifies the size of the common memory pool in Megabytes/Kilobytes.


Specifies the size of the common memory pool in n Kilobytes or n Megabytes.
SIZE=1MB By default, the common memory pool has a size of 1 Megabyte.

STAT - Status of Common Memory Pool

This parameter determines the status of the common memory pool.

STAT=GLOBAL The status of the common memory pool is GLOBAL (started by CMPSTART).

The status of the common memory pool is LOCAL (started by BS2STUB).

By default, the status of the common memory pool is LOCAL.

The STAT parameter will be ignored when the program CMPSTART runs.

TYPE - Type of Common Memory Pool

This parameter determines the type of the common memory pool. The type must be specified. No default value exists.

TYPE=COM Natural DCOM pool
TYPE=EDT Editor buffer pool
TYPE=MON Natural monitor pool (SYSMON)
TYPE=NAT Natural buffer pool
TYPE=SRT Sort buffer pool
TYPE=SWP Natural swap pool
TYPE=USR User buffer pool

WAIT - Enabling or Waiting of Common Memory Pool During Application Startup

This parameter determines during startup of an application whether the common memory pool is to be enabled at once or whether the common memory pool is to wait for a request from Natural and is enabled then.

WAIT=YES The common memory pool is to wait for a request from Natural and is enabled then.
WAIT=NO By default, the common memory pool is to be enabled at once.

The WAIT parameter will be ignored when the program CMPSTART runs.


The macro ADDEND defines the end of macro ADDON's definitions. There are no parameters for ADDEND.

Example of Assembling Macro BS2STUB

*                                                LOAD 3GL PROGRAMS BELOW
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
* I Define the Natural global load pool with Name NATSHARE 
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* I Define the Natural local swap pool 
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* I Connecting a Natural global buffer pool with ESA data space 
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
* I Creating/Connecting a Natural local buffer pool with ESA data space
* +--------------------------------------------------------------------+

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