Version 4.5.2
 —  Using Adabas Review  —

Maintaining Report Definitions

This document discusses the Adabas Review facilities that allow you to maintain Adabas Review report definitions. After you have completed your report, you may start it immediately, or save it to be started at another time. A report must be started so that it can accumulate data. For more information, read Running Reports.

It covers the following topics:

Listing Report Definitions

The List Report Definition (LR) function lists all reports. From the list, you can:

Start of instruction setTo access the List Report Definition function:

  1. Enter the code LR on the command line.

    You can specify the report name or partial report name in the LR command. For example:

    You must specify an asterisk at the end of the full or partial report name in the LR command.

    The Report Definitions screen appears. In this example, no specific report name or partial report name was requested:

     19:08:09                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                    Report Definitions                     HUB=15690
                                                             Sum/         Display   
       Sel     Report Name                     DBID  Auto  Detail  Hist   Program   
     ! __   APPLICATION FILE FIELD USAGE              N      S      N     SR-00030 !
     ! __   BUFFER POOL DISPLAY                       N      S      N     BUFFPOOL !
     ! __   COMMAND LOGGING                           N      D      N     SR-00025 !
     ! __   COMMANDS BY HOUR                          Y      S      N     SR-00004 !
     ! __   COST ACCOUNTING EXAMPLE                   N      S      N     SR-00028 !
     ! __   DESCRIPTOR USAGE REPORT                   N      S      N     SR-00020 !
     ! __   EXCEPTIONAL RESPONSE CODES                Y      S      N     SR-00002 !
     ! __   FILE USAGE                                N      S      N     SR-00031 !
     ! __   HOURLY DATABASE OVERVIEW                  N      S      N     SR-00032 !
     ! __   IO COUNT BY HOUR                          N      S      N     SR-00023 !
     ! __   IO SUMMARY BY RABN                        N      S      N     SR-00022 !
     ! __   IO SUMMARY BY VOLUME                      N      S      N     SR-00021 !
     Command: ______________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Mod                -     +                      Menu   

The columns of the Report Definitions screen are explained as follows:

Sel Selection line. Enter commands on the selection line preceding the report name. For a list of available commands, enter a ? on the selection line.
Report Name An arrow (>) preceding the report name indicates that the report has been started.
DBID Database from which the report collects data. If this field is left blank, you are prompted for the DBID when you start the report.
Auto Indicates whether the report is started automatically at database initialization.
Sum/Detail "S" indicates a summary report; "D" indicates a detailed report.
Hist Indicates whether the report writes history data.
Display Program Lists the name of the program generated to display report output online.

PF7 and PF8 have been provided as scroll keys. If more than one screen of report names exists, PF8 or (+) scrolls the list forward and PF7 or (-) scrolls the list backward.

Start of instruction setTo update the values of the DBID and/or Auto Start report options:

  1. Press PF4 (Mod).

    All DBID and Auto fields become modifiable (modify mode).

  2. Modify the values as required.

  3. Press PF5 (Update) to save the changes or PF3 (Exit) to abandon your changes.

Only the report definitions listed on the current screen may be modified. Pressing PF8 to move forward or PF7 to move backward cancels the modify mode.

Start of instruction setTo issue a command from the Report Definitions screen:

  1. Enter one of the following commands on the selection line preceding the report name.

Command  Issue this command to...
CD Change DBID
CP Change display program
CR Copy report definition
DD Display report information
EB Edit buffer pool report
EL Edit Pulse Report
EX Edit Cluster Services Report
EP Edit display program
ER Edit report
PR Purge report definition
RG Regenerate display program
ST Start report
VW View started report

Top of page

Changing the DBID

Each report collects data from a particular database. You can change that database using the Change DBID (CD) command from the List Report Definitions (LR) function. The CD command is issued from the Report Definitions screen.

Start of instruction setTo change the database for which the report is to be created:

  1. Enter the CD command on the selection line preceding the report name and press ENTER.

    The cursor is positioned at the DBID column for that report and the field is opened for editing.

  2. In the DBID column, enter a valid DBID corresponding to the database to be monitored and press ENTER.

    Alternatively, you may leave the DBID column blank. You are then prompted to enter the DBID when you start the report.

Mass Update of Target DBIDs

You can also change the database from which data is collected for multiple reports at the same time by issuing the MODIFY DBIDS command from the List Report Definitions (LR) function.

Start of instruction setTo modify the database for multiple reports at the same time:

  1. Enter MODIFY DBIDS on the command line of the Report Definitions screen and press ENTER.

    The Modify DBIDs screen appears listing as many as 24 reports:

    19:09:14                  *****   R E V I E W   *****                2009-06-18
                                     Modify Reports                                
       DBID      Report Name                  DBID      Report Name                
    ! 00000 APPLICATION FILE FIELD USAGE   ! 00000 JOB OVERVIEW                   !
    ! 00000 BUFFER POOL DISPLAY            ! 00000 LAST 500 ADABAS CALLS          !
    ! 00000 COMMAND LOGGING                ! 00000 LONG RUNNING COMMANDS          !
    ! 00000 COMMANDS BY HOUR               ! 00000 NATURAL PROGRAM TRACE          !
    ! 00000 COST ACCOUNTING EXAMPLE        ! 00000 NATURAL SUMMARY                !
    ! 00000 EXCEPTIONAL RESPONSE CODES     ! 00000 PRILOG REPORT                  !
    ! 00000 FILE USAGE                     ! 00000 RATE OF COMMANDS AND IOS BY DA !
    ! 00000 IO COUNT BY HOUR               ! 00000 SUMMARY REPORT BY FILE         !
    ! 00000 IO SUMMARY BY RABN             ! 00000 THREAD ACTIVITY                !
    ! 00000 IO SUMMARY BY VOLUME           ! 00000 THREAD ACTIVITY BY COMMAND     !
                   (Press PF2 to set all reports to the same DBID)                 
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help  Same  Exit        Save         -     +                      Menu   

Start of instruction setTo modify the DBID to be monitored for any number of reports:

  1. Overtype the listed DBID for each report.

  2. Press PF5 to save your changes; press PF3 to exit without saving your changes.

Start of instruction setTo change the DBID for all reports listed on the screen to the same DBID:

  1. Press PF2.

    You are prompted to enter the DBID.

  2. Enter the DBID and press ENTER.

Top of page

Displaying Report Information

From the list of available report definitions, you can display (DD) a brief summary of report information. For all reports, this information includes:

Name name of the report
Saved By the identity of the user who saved the report
Format whether the report provides summary or detailed information
History whether history data is saved for the report

For each individual report the following information is included, depending on the report's particular settings:

Account for summary reports, the order in which control breaks occur; for detailed reports, the order in which the fields are displayed
Summary the fields for which summary values are calculated
Rate the fields for which the rate per second for the field's value is calculated.
Minimum the fields for which the minimum value is displayed.
Maximum the fields for which the maximum value is displayed.
Average the fields for which average values are calculated
Round the fields for which the value is rounded (that is, incremented) by the amount specified in the report definition so that the result is evenly divisible by the "round" value.
Select the fields selected for the report. A maximum of 20 fields is allowed for each report.

Start of instruction setTo display report information:

  1. From the Started Reports screen, enter the DD command on the selection line preceding the report name to display a summary of report information.

    The screen similar to the following appears:

    19:12:57                  *****   R E V I E W   *****                2009-06-18
                                   Report Information                              
    ! Name...... APPLICATION FILE FIELD USAGE                                     !
    ! Saved By.. INSTALL                                                          !
    ! Format.... Summary                                                          !
    ! History... No                                                               !
    ! Account... NATAPPL,FILE,FBFIELDS                                            !
    ! Summary... IOS,COMMANDS,CMDRESP,ADADURA                                     !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Top of page

Copying a Report Definition

One way to create new reports is to use the Copy Report Definition (CR) command from the List Report Definitions (LR) function. The CR command is issued from the Report Definitions screen. The command allows you to copy a report definition either to another Adabas Review repository, or to the current Adabas Review repository under a new name.

Start of instruction setTo copy a report definition and generate a display program:

  1. Enter the CR command on the selection line preceding the report name.

    Adabas Review displays the Copy Report Definition window, which contains the Report Name, the DBID, and File number of the report definition to be copied. The Report Name field is initially set to the report name to be copied.

  2. If you are copying the report to the current Adabas Review repository, change the report name.

    The DBID and the File fields indicate the repository where the report is to be copied. These fields are initially set to the current repository.

  3. Ensure that the DBID and File indicate a valid Adabas Review repository.

  4. Once you have made the required changes, press PF5 to copy the report definition, or press PF3 to cancel and exit the window.

    After the report definition is copied, the Display Program Name will display the message

    Need RG

    This indicates that you must generate a display program before the new report can be displayed.

  5. Generate a display program in one of two ways:

    Enter RG on the selection line preceding the new report name; or

    Edit the report using the Edit Report (ER) function; then save it. Adabas Review automatically generates a new display program reflecting the changes.

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Purging a Report Definition

The Purge Reports (PR) command is issued from the Report Definitions screen (LR function). This command deletes the report definition and the corresponding display program, if the display program is not also used with a history report.

Start of instruction setTo purge a report definition:

  1. Enter the PR command on the selection line preceding the name of the report to be deleted.

    Depending on your profile settings, you may be prompted to confirm the purge request before the command is executed.

  2. Confirm the purge request, if required.

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Editing the Buffer Pool Report

A sample report called "Buffer Pool Report" is created when Adabas Review is installed. The Edit Buffer Pool Report (EB) function uses the sample report to create, edit, and start buffer pool reports for specific databases being monitored.

Unlike other reports, a display program is not generated for buffer pool reports when they are saved. When viewed, these reports call the program BUFFPOOL, which displays a bar graph showing the buffer pool statistics.

Start of instruction setTo access the Edit Buffer Pool Report function:

  1. Enter the EB command on the command line.

Start of instruction set To edit the Buffer Pool Report:

  1. From any of the list function screens (LR, LS, and LH), enter either the EB or ER command on the selection line preceding the name of the buffer pool report.

    The Edit Buffer Pool Report window appears as shown in the following example:

    19:13:38                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
     HUB=15690                  Edit Buffer Pool Report                   HUB=15690
                !                                                       !          
                !   Report Name: ... ________________________________   !          
                !                                                       !          
                !   DBID: .......... _____                              !          
                !                                                       !          
                !   Autostarted: ... N                                  !          
                !                                                       !          
                !                                                       !          
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit        Save  Start                               Menu   

    You can rename the report (Report Name field), and change the DBID for which the buffer pool information is collected (DBID field). You can also indicate whether the report should be autostarted (Y) or not (N).

  2. Press PF5 to save your changes to the report; press PF6 to save the report and manually start it.

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Editing Adabas Pulse Reports

Adabas Pulse Reports receive nucleus statistical data from Adabas on an interval basis. Adabas transmits a pulse record to Adabas Review once in each interval period.

Adabas Pulse Reports allows a DBA to collect statistical details about the Adabas nucleus during a user-specified time interval. The reports collect minimum, maximum, and average values for non-cumulative nucleus statistics such as:

Adabas Pulse Reports also gather and calculate the delta values of cumulative nucleus statistics such as buffer waits, format overwrites, and buffer flushes. These statistics can help a DBA monitor overall database activity over a given period of time. Non-cumulative statistics are checked every minute with the average calculated at the time interval. Cumulative statistics are checked only at the time interval when deltas are calculated.

The Adabas Pulse Report timer interval can be set in the report options and must be specified in minutes. The minimum interval is one minute and the maximum is 1440 minutes (24 hours). Once a report is started, the specified interval remains in effect until the report is stopped. A new interval can be set prior to restarting the report. Only one Adabas Pulse Report is allowed per database. This feature is available on all supported platforms.

Defining and Running an Adabas Pulse Report

To define an Adabas Pulse Report, you choose the DBID where the report will run and the interval (in seconds), as well as some additional settings and information. Only one Adabas Pulse Report may be started per database. In the Adabas Review hub environment, you may have several Adabas Pulse Reports active, but only one for each of the monitored databases.

Start of instruction setTo access the Edit Pulse Report function:

  1. Enter the EL command on the command line.

    The Edit Adabas Pulse Report screen displays:

    11:27:54                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                               Edit ADABAS Pulse Report                   HUB=15690
                !                                                       !          
                !   Report Name: .... ADABAS Pulse Report               !          
                !   DBID: ........................... _____             !          
                !   ADABAS Collection Interval: (mins) ____             !          
                !   Autostarted: ........................ N             !          
                !                                                       !          
                !   Collect History: .................... N             !          
                !   History Interval: (minutes) ...... ____             !          
                !   Repository DBID: ...............  __123             !          
                !   Repository File: ................  __45             !          
                !   Repository Database SVC: ........   234             !          
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit        Save  Start                               Menu   

    This screen provides the following input fields:

    Field Explanation
    Report Name The name of the report. This field cannot be modified.
    DBID The database ID of the database on which the report is to run. When a DBID is entered into this field, the DBID will be automatically appended to the report name.
    Adabas Collection Interval The number of seconds between each report. Report data will be written to the Adabas Review history file once for each interval. The minimum interval is one minute and the maximum is 1440 minutes.
    Autostarted Indicates whether the report should be started when Adabas Review is initialized.
    Collect History Indicates whether history data should be collected.
    History Interval The number of minutes between each history data collection.
    Repository DBID The database ID of the database that contains the Adabas Review history file.
    Repository File The file number of the Adabas Review history file.
    Repository Database SVC The SVC currently being used by the Adabas Review history database.
  2. Press PF5 to save your changes to the report; press PF6 to save the report and manually start it. You will find the Adabas Pulse Report listed as a started report and, after the first collection interval is reached, you can enter the Pulse Statistics screen, as shown below:

    12:18:55                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2009-06-18
                                   Pulse Statistics                     HUB=15690
                        Select one Pulse interval and press Enter                 
    ! _ 2009-06-18 11:37:54     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ 2009-06-18 11:41:29     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ 2009-06-18 12:13:44     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ 2009-06-18 12:18:33     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    ! _ __________ ________     _ __________ ________      _ __________________  !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu
  3. Selecting a pulse interval line displays an additional Pulse Statistics screen listing details about the pulse interval, as shown below:

    12:18:55                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2009-06-18
                                   Pulse Statistics                     HUB=15690
                                              High           Low          Avg      
        Allocated Size ------------------------------------------------------      
                   Format Pool                7600          7600         7600      
                   Work Pool                     0             0            0      
                   Table of ISNs                 0             0            0      
                   Table of Seq Cmds             0             0            0      
        Allocated Entries ---------------------------------------------------      
                   Attached Buffers              2             2            2      
                   Command Queue                 1             1            1      
                   Hold Queue                    0             0            0      
                   User Queue                    5             5            5      
        Buffer Efficiency ---------------------------------------------------      
                   Percent                     5.0           5.0          5.0      
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Delta                                           Menu
  4. Pressing PF4 (Delta) displays the Delta Statistics screen, as shown below:

    12:18:55                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2009-06-18
                                   Pulse Statistics                     HUB=15690
                                   Delta Statistics
    !  Buffer Waits                     0      User Commands           22   !
    !  Buffer Flushes                   2      Asso Reads               0   !
    !  Format Overwrites                0      Asso Writes              0   !
    !  Format Translations              0      Data Reads              11   !
    !  System Commands                  2      Data Writes              0   !
    !  Total Commands                  24      Work Reads               0   !
    !  Throwbacks                       0      Work Writes              0   !
    !  Thread Switches                110      Total IOS               11   !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu

Top of page

Editing the Cluster Services Report

A Cluster Services report displays information about cache and locks in an Adabas Cluster Services environment. Adabas writes the report information directly to the Adabas Review history file. This information is sent to Adabas Review on an interval basis that is chosen when the report definition is created. This feature is only available for the z/OS platforms.

A subtask attached as separate unit of work from the Adabas nucleus address space collects Adabas Cluster Services statistics on a user-specified timer interval. The subtask will calculate the delta of lock and cache statistics over the interval. These delta values will be written directly to the Adabas Review repository file as history data at every interval. The statistics can be viewed and maintained online through the history data menus.

Approximately 2 kilobytes of data will be written to the repository file every interval. For this reason, Software AG recommends that the DBA reexamine and closely monitor the size of this file when the report is running. Minimal data is written for those intervals that have no statistical change. The Cluster Services Report timer interval can be set in the report options and must be specified in minutes. The minimum interval is one minute and the maximum is 1440 minutes (24 hours). Once the report is started, the interval remains in effect until the report is stopped. A new interval can be set prior to restarting the report.

Only one Cluster Services Report may be started per database (cluster). In the Adabas Review hub environment, you may have several Cluster Services Reports active, but only one for each of the monitored databases.

Defining and Running the Cluster Services Report

The Cluster Services report can be started and stopped in the same way as any other Adabas Review report (read Saving a Report Definition and Starting Reports). However, it cannot be viewed online from the LS screen. It can only be viewed online from the LH and LH EX screens (read Managing History Data, elsewhere in this guide).

To define a Cluster Services report, you choose the DBID where the report will run, and the interval (in seconds). You must also choose which database and file is to receive the report data, and which SVC to use.

Start of instruction setTo access the Edit Cluster Services Report function:

  1. Enter the EX code on the command line.

    The Edit Cluster Services Report screen appears:

    15:37:34                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2009-06-18
                               Edit Cluster Services Report              LOCL=00222
                 |                                                       | 
                 |   Report Name: ..... CLUSTER SERVICES REPORT          | 
                 |   DBID: ...................... _____                  | 
                 |   Interval: (mins) ...........  ____                  | 
                 |   Autostarted: ...............     N                  | 
                 |                                                       | 
                 |   Repository DBID: ........... _____                  | 
                 |   Repository File: ...........  ____                  | 
                 |   Repository Database SVC: ...   ___                  | 
                 |                                                       | 
     Command: ______________________________________________________________________

This screen provides the following input fields:

Field Explanation
Report Name The name of the report. This field cannot be modified.
DBID The database ID of the database on which the report is to run. When a DBID is entered into this field, the DBID will be automatically appended to the report name.
Interval The number of minutes between each report. Report data will be written to the Adabas Review history file once for each interval. The minimum interval is one minute and the maximum is 1440 minutes.
Autostarted Indicates whether the report should be started when Adabas Review is initialized.
Repository DBID The database ID of the database that contains the Adabas Review history file.
Repository File The file number of the Adabas Review history file.
Repository Database SVC The SVC currently being used by the Adabas Review history database.

Top of page

Using the Edit Report (ER) Function

Adabas Review report definitions are created using the Edit Report (ER) function. This function provides a series of fill-in-the-blank and selection screens to help you select the field information, processing rules, and report option parameters that make up a report definition.

The Edit Report screen is used to define field information; that is, the field name and order of selection. If the field type is numeric, you can specify whether the values are to be rounded, totaled, averaged, or expressed as a percentage or rate of commands per second. You can also specify that the minimum or maximum values are to be displayed.

Field information may either be entered directly on the Edit Report screen or selected from screens containing a list of fields. You can access a list of fields using PF11 , the FLDS command, or the LF command, and then select the appropriate categories. The order of selection is indicated by typing a number in front of the field. The chosen fields are transferred to the Edit Report screen in the order specified.

New reports may be created from existing reports by editing the original report, changing the name of the report, and saving it under the new name. New reports may also be created by using the Copy Report Definition (CR) command from the List Report Definitions (LR) function.

This section covers the following topics:

Accessing the Edit Report Screen

Start of instruction setTo access the Edit Report (ER) function:

  1. Enter the ER command on the command line.

Start of instruction setTo edit a report:

  1. From any of the report list screens (LR, LS, and LH commands), enter the ER command on the selection line preceding the report name.

    Entering ER for the Buffer Pool Report displays the Buffer Pool Report window.

    The Edit Report screen is displayed as shown below:

    19:20:46                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                      Edit Report                         HUB=15690
          Detail/Summary: S                                                        
          Report Name: ________________________________      DBID to Monitor: _____
          !  Field      Order   Sum   Min   Max   Avg   Pct   Rate   Round  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          +---------------------------- Page 1 -----------------------------+      
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help  Optns Exit        Save  Start  -     +          Rules Flds  Menu   

The following function keys are provided on the Edit Report screen:

Function Key Command Description
PF2 Optns Accesses the Report Options screen.
PF5 Save Saves the current report definition.
PF6 Start Saves the report defined on the screen and start it.
PF10 Rules Accesses the Report Processing Rules screen.
PF11 Flds Accesses the Database Fields Selection screens.

The Edit Report screen provides the following input fields:

Field Explanation
Report Name A unique name for the report. A maximum of 32 characters is allowed.
DBID to Monitor DBID of the database where the data is to be collected.
Field The fields to be selected by the report. A maximum of 20 fields is allowed for each report.
Order For summary reports, the order in which control breaks occur; at least one of the fields selected must be marked as an order field. For detailed reports, the order in which the fields are displayed.
Sum Indicates whether the values for the field are totaled.
Min Indicates whether the minimum value for the field is displayed.
Max Indicates whether the maximum value for the field is displayed.
Avg Indicates whether the average value is calculated for the field.
Pct Indicates whether the percentage is calculated for the field.
Rate Indicates whether the rate per second is calculated for the field.
Round The amount by which the values of the field are rounded.

Entering the Report Name

A report name is required; otherwise, the report cannot be saved to the Adabas Review repository. A report name may be up to 32 characters long and must be unique. Alphanumeric and some special characters may be used in report names.

The following list of special characters may not be used in report names:

Character Description
(') Apostrophe
(�) Cent sign
(:) Colon
(,) Comma
($) Dollar sign
(=) Equal sign
(%) Percent sign
(.) Period
(/) Slash

Entering the DBID

Use this field to identify the database for which the report is to be created. For collecting data from multiple databases simultaneously (Adabas Review in hub mode or in local mode) the artificial target ID "11111" can be used. This target ID effectively causes the system to collect data for the report from all databases that have a reporting link already established with Adabas Review; however, use of the target ID 11111 does not create such a link.

To create a link between Adabas Review and each database for which you want to simultaneously collect data for a report, you must create a report with the DBID set to "11111". You must then start the report for each database from which you want to collect data. To identify the collected data with a particular database, you need to include the report field DBID at the first level of the report definition.

Entering the Field Names

Up to 20 fields may be selected for a single report. You may enter field names directly on the Edit Report screen or you may select the fields from a list. The fields you choose from a list are transferred automatically to the Edit Report screen.

You may also comment out fields listed in a report. This is especially useful if you are creating and testing a new report.

Using the Field Category Selection Screen

Start of instruction setTo view the field categories:

  1. Access the field selection screens by pressing PF11 or by entering the FLDS or LF command without a category code.

    The Database Field Selection screen, which lists field categories, is displayed:

    19:22:49                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                               Database Field Selection                   HUB=15690
    Please Mark Categories to Select                                               
      AC - ADABAS Control Block Fields .............  _                            
      BU - ADABAS Buffer Fields ....................  _                            
      IN - Interval and Time Fields ................  _                            
      IO - ADABAS I/O Fields .......................  _                            
      NA - NATURAL Fields ..........................  _                            
      NU - ADABAS Nucleus Fields ...................  _                            
      OP - Operating System Fields .................  _                            
      TP - Transaction Processing Monitor Fields ...  _                            
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit                                                  Menu   
  2. If you need a description of a field category, use the online help system by placing a ? on the line opposite the category name.

    The field categories are also documented in the Field Reference.

  3. Choose the field category you wish to use by typing an X in the input field opposite the category name.

Using the Field Selection Screens

Start of instruction setTo use the field categories:

  1. If you know the field category you wish to use, enter the FLDS command or the LF command followed by the code for the field category on the command line of the Edit Report screen.

    Category codes are as follows:

    Code Field Type Category
    AC Adabas control block
    BU Adabas buffer
    IN Interval and time
    IO Adabas I/O
    NA Natural
    NU Adabas nucleus
    OP Operating system
    TP Transaction processing monitor

    For example, to list the Adabas control block fields, you could enter either of the following:

    LF AC



    Field lists for the chosen categories are displayed. For example, choosing the Adabas control block (AC) category displays the following screen:

    19:25:27                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W               2009-06-18 
                              ADABAS Control Block Fields             Page 1  of 2 
    Sel Fld Name   Description              Sel Fld Name   Description             
    ___  ACBUSER   ACB user                 ___  COP2      Command option 2        
    ___  ADDIT1    Additions 1              ___  DESUPD    Nr of desc updated      
    ___  ADDIT2    Additions 2              ___  DURATION  Duration (16 millisecs) 
    ___  ADDIT3    Additions 3              ___  ERRFLDNM  Error field name        
    ___  ADDIT4    Additions 4              ___  FB        Format buffer           
    ___  ADDIT5    Additions 5              ___  FBFIELDS  Fields in format buffer 
    ___  CALLTYPE  Call type                ___  FBL       Format buffer length    
    ___  CID       Command ID               ___  FILE      File number             
    ___  CIDALPHA  CID Alpha                ___  FILENAME  File name               
    ___  CMD       ADABAS command           ___  GLOBFMID  Global format ID        
    ___  CMDNAME   Command name             ___  IB        ISN buffer              
    ___  CMDSTAT   Command status           ___  IBL       ISN buffer length       
    ___  CMDTYPE   Command type             ___  ISN       Internal seq number     
    ___  CMPRECL   Compressed rec length    ___  ISNLL     ISN lower limit         
    ___  COMMANDS  Number of Commands       ___  ISNQ      ISN quantity            
    ___  COP1      Command option 1         ___  ORGDURA   Unmodified duration     
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit              Accpt  -     +                      Menu   
  2. If you need a description of a field on any category screen, use the online help system by placing a ? in the Sel column associated with the field name.

    This information is also documented in the Field Reference.

  3. Choose the fields you wish to use by typing an X in the Sel column associated with the field name.

  4. Specify field order by typing a number in the Sel column associated with the field name.

    For more information, refer to the section Specifying Field Order.

  5. After completing your selections, press PF6 or enter the accept (ACCPT) command to hold your selections temporarily while you continue working on your report.

    You are returned to the Edit Report screen where your field selections are transferred automatically. If you specified a field order, the numbers you entered are listed in the Order column.

Specifying Field Order

The order you specify for fields in your report affects the output differently depending on the type of report:

Start of instruction setTo specify the field order of a report:

Start of instruction setTo change the field order:

Commenting Out Fields in a Report

You can comment out fields in a report. This is especially useful while you are creating and testing a new report.

When a field is commented out, data for the field is not collected for the report. However, the field can still be seen in the report definition.

Start of instruction setTo comment out a field in a report:

  1. Type an asterisk (*) as the first character of the field name. If you type the asterisk anywhere else in the field name, errors will result.

    The field is commented out of the report. The next time the report is started, data will not be collected for the field. You must stop and restart the report to see the change.

Start of instruction setTo uncomment a field in a report:

Specifying Numeric Options for Summary Reports

These options are valid only for database summary reports.

Numeric Fields

For the following numeric fields, the order will not affect control break or sort processing:

Option Explanation
Commands The number of commands accounted for in the control break.
Strtdate The date of the first command encountered in the control break.
Strttime The time of the first command encountered in the control break.
Enddate The date of the last command encountered in the control break.
Endtime The time of the last command encountered in the control break.
Seconds The total number of seconds that the account entry has been active.

Read Report Options in Specifying Reporting Options for more information about sorting reports by COMMANDS (USAGE), or by STRTDATE or STRTTIME (DATETIME).


For numeric fields with which calculations may be performed (such as number of I/Os or command response time), the following mathematical operations may be performed for each control break on numeric field values:

Operation At each control break, this operation...
Sum Calculates and displays a total of the field's values.
Min Displays the minimum value for a field.
Max Displays the maximum value for a field.
Avg Calculates and displays the average value for a field.
Pct Calculates and displays the percentage for a field's values.
Rate Calculates and displays the rate per second for a field's value.
Round Rounds the field's values by the amount you specify in this column. A value in this column tells Adabas Review to take the actual field value and increment it by some value so that the result is evenly divisible by the round value.

Start of instruction setTo use the calculation operations:

  1. For all operation except Round, mark the appropriate column with an X and press Enter.

    For the Round option, type a number in the appropriate column and press Enter.

    For example, to round the Adabas duration up to .05 of a second, type in .05 in the Round column for the DURATION field.

Using the Report Processing Rules Screen

Report processing rules determine how field values are selected for your report. These rules restrict the accumulated data to certain values or conditions. For example, a processing rule can be written to restrict data collection to commands that return a nonzero response code.

Start of instruction setTo access the Report Processing Rules screen:

  1. From the Edit Report screen, press PF10; or enter the command RULES on the command line.

    The Report Processing Rules screen appears as shown in the following example:

    19:34:44                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                Report Processing Rules                   HUB=15690
                                       REPORT ONE                                
    !  Field    Op        Value                                            And/Or !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  AND !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    +---------------------------------- Page 1 ----------------------------------- 
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help  Optns Exit        Save  Start  -     +                Flds  Menu   

    For each report, a total of twenty (20) lines are available for processing rules.

    An explanation of the input fields on this screen is provided in the table below:

    Field Explanation
    Field The name of the field for which the restriction applies.

    Reporting fields STARTDATE and STARTTIME cannot be used in processing rules.

    Op The conditional operand that specifies how the restriction applies. The following operands may be used:
    • = or EQ: equal to

    • < or LT: less than

    • > or GT: greater than

    • : or NE: not equal to

    Value The field that allows you to restrict the information accumulated by the report to a subset of the values in a particular field. Values may be specified in several formats and may be single values or ranges.
    And/Or Specifies the Boolean operators AND or OR to define the relationship between multiple processing rules.

Guidelines for Specifying Values

The following guidelines describe acceptable ways to specify values in a processing rule:

Example Processing Rules

The following table shows examples of processing rules:

Example Explanation
RSP>0 Single numeric value; response code greater than zero.
CMDNAME=FIND Single alphanumeric value; command name equal to FIND.
FNR EQ (10-50) Numeric range value; file number equals 10 to 50.
TRANSID=(BAT1,BAT2,BAT3) Alphanumeric list of values; transaction ID equal to BAT1, BAT2, or BAT3.
JOBNAME=*TEST Use of wildcard prefixing; all job names ending in "TEST".
ACBUSER EQ X'00370014' Use of hexadecimal format; ACBUSER equal to the hexadecimal value 00370014.
NATPROG='N-REVADA' Alphanumeric value with hyphen included

Entering Processing Rules

Start of instruction setTo complete the Report Processing Rules screen:

  1. If you know which field or fields you plan to use, enter them directly on the screen in the Field column.

  2. To choose fields using the field selection screens, press PF11 or enter the FLDS or LF command on the command line.

    Refer to the section Using the Field Selection Screens for more information.

  3. Enter the appropriate operand, using the guidelines in the tables above.

  4. Enter the appropriate value, using the guidelines and table above.

Using the Report Options Screen

Report options describe additional processing aspects of the report; such as, whether it is a detailed or summary report, whether it will perform physical command logging, and whether the data it collects will be written to the Adabas Review repository and stored as history data.

Adabas Review is delivered with report options defaults:

The Report Options screen lists the default settings for each option; changes may be made directly on this screen.

One of two different Report Options screens may appear in Adabas Review, depending on whether you have selected a summary report or a detail report. The following sample is for a summary report.

19:33:13                  *****   R E V I E W   *****                2009-06-18
                 Options for summary report: COMMANDS BY HOUR         HUB=15690
+-- Summary Rpt Options ------- Summary Logging ------------ History ---------+
!  AutoStart .......... Y    Summary Log ........ N    History ............ N !
!  Break .............. Y    Summary File .. RVSUM_    History Int ... ______ !
!  Wrapping ........... N    Num of Logs ....... _2    History DBID ... __123 !
!  Print .............. Y    Log Size ....... 99999    History FNR .... ___45 !
!  Rstrt/Intrvl Y  ______    Log Full Exit ________    History SVC ...... 234 !
!  Max Restarts .. 999999                                                     !
!  Max K ........... ___8                             ---- Summary Exit ----- !
!  ADALimit ...... _____1                              Exit Name ... ________ !
!  Display By ..   SORTED                              Cmd ............... CL !
!  Entries ....... 999999                              Sum ................ Y !
!  Limit ....... 99999999                                                     !
!  Page/Line .. _55 / 133                                                     !
!                                                                             !
!                                                                             !
Command: ______________________________________________________________________
      Help        Exit              Accpt             Dflts             Menu   

For detail information about the parameters on the Report Options screen, read Specifying Reporting Options.

Modifying Report Defaults

Adabas Review allows you to modify and save the default report options settings.

After the report options have been modified, all new reports will have report options that default to the new settings. This will affect all new reports created by any user.

Start of instruction setTo modify the report default settings:

  1. Create a new empty report by entering ER on the Adabas Review command line.

  2. Press PF2 or enter the command OPTNS on the command line to display the Report Options screen.

  3. Make any desired changes.

  4. Press PF9 (Dflts) to save the modifications.

    You are returned to the Edit Report screen.

Editing Options for a Particular Report

Start of instruction setTo change the options for a particular report:

  1. Create a new empty report or access and existing report by entering ER on the Adabas Review command line.

  2. Press PF2 or enter the command OPTNS on the command line to display the Report Options screen.

  3. Enter the changes directly on the Report Options screen.

  4. After completing your changes, press PF6 or enter the ACCPT command.

    The ACCPT command stores your selections temporarily while you continue working on your report.

    You are returned to the Edit Report screen.

Top of page

Editing Existing Reports

Report definitions that have been saved or started may be modified at any time.

Start of instruction setTo access a report definition:

  1. If you know the report name, enter the command ER followed by the report name.

    If you do not know the report name, access the List Report Definition (LR) function and enter the command ER in the selection column preceding the report name.

    If the report has been started, you may use the List Started Report (LS) function and enter the ER command in the selection column preceding the report name.

    If the report writes history data to the Adabas Review repository, you may use the List History Reports (LH) function and enter the ER command in the selection column preceding the report name.

    The ER command invokes the Edit Report screen for the specified report. The following example shows the "Commands by Hour" report:

    19:32:40                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                      Edit Report                         HUB=15690
          Detail/Summary: S                                                        
          Report Name: COMMANDS BY HOUR________________      DBID to Monitor: _____
          !  Field      Order   Sum   Min   Max   Avg   Pct   Rate   Round  !      
          ! HOUR____     _10     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! CMD_____     _20     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! IOS_____     ___     X     _     _     X     _     _    ______  !      
          ! COMMANDS     ___     X     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! CMDRESP_     ___     X     _     _     X     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          ! ________     ___     _     _     _     _     _     _    ______  !      
          +---------------------------- Page 1 -----------------------------+      
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help  Optns Exit        Save  Start  -     +          Rules Flds  Menu   

This section covers the following topics:

Changing Field Information

Start of instruction setTo change the field information displayed on the Edit Report screen:

  1. Type over the existing information.

Start of instruction setTo change or add fields to the report:

  1. You may also use the field selection screens.

    Refer to the section Using the Field Selection Screens.

Start of instruction setTo make additional changes after finishing changes on the Edit Report screen:

  1. You may access the Report Processing Rules screen or the Report Options screen.

Start of instruction setTo finish your changes to the report definition:

  1. Press PF5 or enter the SAVE command on the command line.

Changing Processing Rules

If the report contains processing rules, a message is displayed at the bottom of the Edit Report screen. You may change existing rules or create new rules, if desired.

Start of instruction setTo change processing rules or create new rules:

  1. Display the Report Processing Rules screen by pressing PF10 or entering RULES on the command line.

    19:34:44                  A D A B A S  -  R E V I E W                2009-06-18
                                Report Processing Rules                   HUB=15690
                                   COMMANDS BY HOUR                                
    !  Field    Op        Value                                            And/Or !
    ! ADADURA_  GT  3.0_____________________________________________________  AND !
    ! IOS_____  GT  200_____________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    ! ________  __  ________________________________________________________  ___ !
    +---------------------------------- Page 1 ----------------------------------- 
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help  Optns Exit        Save  Start  -     +                Flds  Menu   
  2. Change the rules by typing over the existing information; add rules by entering them on the screen.

    For more information, see section Using the Report Processing Rules Screen.

  3. Edit the Report Options screen by pressing PF2 or entering OPTNS on the command line.

    If no other changes to the report definition are required, press PF5 or enter SAVE on the command line.

    Return to the Edit Report screen by pressing PF3 or entering EXIT on the command line.

Your changes are not deleted unless you exit the Edit Report function without first entering the SAVE command.

Changing Report Options

Start of instruction setTo change report options:

  1. Access the Report Options screen by pressing PF2 or entering OPTNS on the command line.

    19:33:13                  *****   R E V I E W   *****                2009-06-18
                     Options for summary report: COMMANDS BY HOUR         HUB=15690
    +-- Summary Rpt Options ------- Summary Logging ------------ History ---------+
    !  AutoStart .......... Y    Summary Log ........ N    History ............ N !
    !  Break .............. Y    Summary File .. RVSUM_    History Int ... ______ !
    !  Wrapping ........... N    Num of Logs ....... _2    History DBID ... __123 !
    !  Print .............. Y    Log Size ....... 99999    History FNR .... ___45 !
    !  Rstrt/Intrvl Y  ______    Log Full Exit ________    History SVC ...... 234 !
    !  Max Restarts .. 999999                                                     !
    !  Max K ........... ___8                             ---- Summary Exit ----- !
    !  ADALimit ...... _____1                              Exit Name ... ________ !
    !  Display By ..   SORTED                              Cmd ............... CL !
    !  Entries ....... 999999                              Sum ................ Y !
    !  Limit ....... 99999999                                                     !
    !  Page/Line .. _55 / 133                                                     !
    !                                                                             !
    !                                                                             !
    Command: ______________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit              Accpt             Dflts             Menu   
  2. To change the report options, type over the existing information.

    For an explanation of the report options, refer to the section Using the Report Options Screen.

  3. After making changes to the Report Options screen, use either of the following procedures:

    To save the changes temporarily while you make changes to other components of the report, press PF6 or enter ACCPT on the command line.

    If no other changes to the report definition are required, press PF5 or enter SAVE on the command line.

    You are returned to the Edit Report screen.

Top of page

Saving a Report Definition

Start of instruction setTo save a new or modified report definition:

  1. Press PF5 or enter the SAVE command on the command line.

    When a report definition is saved, it is written to the Adabas Review repository and a Natural display program is generated.

Top of page