Version 8.2.3
 —  User, Hyperdescriptor, Collation Descriptor, and SMF Exits  —

User Exit 5 (Adabas Review Hub Event Handler)

User exit 5 is called by the Adabas nucleus when an event occurs with the Adabas Review hub.

An event is defined as

The exit is invoked with AMODE=31 and should return control in the same state.

The exit is required to process logging errors. It determines how the failure is handled. The record that was not logged and the response code received from the Adabas Review hub logging request are provided to assist in making the determination.

This document covers the following topics:

Input Parameters

On entry, the register 1 points to the following parameter list:


Parameter Usage
Exit call indication. The value of this byte can be:
O connection with Adabas Review hub opened;
C connection with Adabas Review hub closed; or
L sending logging error to Adabas Review hub.
Action to handle a logging error (ignored for open and close). The exit must provide one of the following values for this field in the parameter list for a logging error:
W wait a specified time and then retry;
R retry logging operation immediately; or
I ignore the logging failure and continue without consequence.
2(R1) Response code for logging errors. This response code is the same as the Adabas response code found in the Adabas Messages and Codes.
4(R1) Fullword where the exit must provide a wait time (in seconds) for the logging failures that are to be retried after waiting.
8(R1) Address of the command log record that the Adabas nucleus was attempting to send to the Adabas Review hub.

Other Register Values at Entry

R13 save area of calling Adabas nucleus routine
R14 return address in Adabas nucleus
R15 entry point address for exit

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Output Parameters

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