Version 8.2.3

Supported Time Zones

Adabas uses the time zone data taken from the tz database, which is also called the zoneinfo or Olson database. The specific list of time zone names that Adabas supports in any given release can be found in the TZINFO member of the Adabas source library.


  1. Time zone names are case-sensitive and must be specified inside single quotation marks.
  2. The default number of time zones that can be used in a nucleus session is limited to 8 and the time zone pool size default to 32K. However, Software AG allows you to increase these numbers (refer to the appropriate zap in member ZAPOPT of the distributed source library) so that all time zones can be loaded.
  3. The nucleus session startup procedure or the ADACMP utility job must include the TZINFO data definition statement (DD, LINK, or DLBL statement) identifying the TZ library or sublibrary if you are using time zone support. For more information, review the nucleus startup procedure examples provided in Adabas Session Execution or the ADACMP utility job examples in ADACMP Utility: Compress-Decompress Data.

The following is a sample of the information in the TZINFO member:

# Timezone, Timezone Member name, Old Timezone Names
Africa/Abidjan, AFRABIDJ,
Africa/Accra, AFRACCRA,
Africa/Addis_Ababa, AFRADDIS,
Africa/Algiers, AFRALGIE,
Africa/Asmara, AFRASMAR, Africa/Asmera
Africa/Bamako, AFRBAMAK, Africa/Timbuktu
Africa/Bangui, AFRBANGU,
America/Denver, AMEDENVE, Navajo US/Mountain

TZINFO is a comma-delimited file:

Consider the following examples:

Example Description
Africa/Accra, AFRACCRA,,
The current time zone name is "Africa/Accra"; the member name in which the code associated with this time zone resides is "AFRACCRA". There are no older names for this time zone.
Africa/Asmara, AFRASMAR,, Africa/Asmera
The current time zone name is "Africa/Asmara"; the member name in which the code associated with this time zone resides is "AFRASMAR". "Africa/Asmera" is an older name for the time zone.
America/Denver, AMEDENVE, Navajo US/Mountain
The current time zone name is "America/Denver"; the member name in which the code associated with this time zone resides is "AMEDENVE"; "Navajo" and "US/Mountain" are older names for the time zone.

For information on the conversions between date-time fields defined with the TZ option, read Conversions Between Date-Time Representations for Fields with the TZ option.

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