Version 8.2.3

About the Command Logs

Two command log layout formats are supported by Adabas mainframe products:

This document describes the command log formats that Adabas supports as well as some command log utilities.

Notation vrs, vr, or v: When used in this documentation, the notation vrs or vr stands for the relevant version of a product. For further information on product versions, see version in the Glossary.

CLOGLAYOUT=5 Record Layout

Command log layout 5 comprises two log record types:

The DSECT that maps the layout of the CLOGLAYOUT=5 records is called LOREC and can be found in the ADAvrs.SRCE library.

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CLOGLAYOUT=8 Record Layout

Command log layout 8 comprises the following log record types:

The DSECT that maps the layout of the CLOGLAYOUT=8 records is called LORECX and can be found in the ADAvrs.SRCE library.

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Enhanced I/O List

You can log the extended I/O list to the CLOG data sets for both CLOGLAYOUT=5 and CLOGLAYOUT=8. The ADARUN parameter LOGVOLIO is provided so you can specify this functionality for an Adabas nucleus.

In the enhanced I/O list, an I/O list element contains not only the control byte and the RABN, but also the name of the volume where the RABN resides. In the control byte, the X'40' bit is switched on. Six-byte volume names are attached after the I/O list.

For example, if RABNSIZE = 3 and byte 1 contains:

41 = Associator read
42 = Associator write
46 = Work write

In this case, bytes 2-4 contain the three-byte RABN that is read or updated and bytes 5-10 contain the volume name where the RABN resides.

In another example, if RABNSIZE = 4 and byte 1 contains:

C1 = Associator read
C2 = Associator write
C6 = Work write

Bytes 2-5 contain the four-byte RABN that is read or updated and bytes 6-11 contain the volume name where the RABN resides.

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Command Type Field in CLOGLAYOUT Records

The command type field (at hexadecimal offset 12 in the LOREC DSECT and hexadecimal offset 23 in the LORECX DSECT) refers to the following command types:

Update A1/A4, E1/E4, N1/N2
Simple All non-update commands with a single search argument.
Complex All non-update commands with more than one search argument.

The command type field may contain other information that is unrelated to commands. The flags should therefore be tested with a binary mask:

B'xxxx xusc'

where u is the update flag bit, s is the simple flag bit, and c is the complex flag bit.

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Remote Nucleus ID Field in CLOGLAYOUT Records

The remote nucleus field (at offset 4D in the LOREC DSECT and offset 1C in the LORECX DSECT)represents a remote nucleus ID.

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Command-Executing Nucleus ID Field in CLOGLAYOUT Records

The nucleus ID field at offset 58 in the LOREC DSECT and at offset 1A in the LORECX DSECT provides the ID of the nucleus executing the command. In a cluster environment, the nucleus ID is the NUCID; in a noncluster environment, the nucleus ID is zero (0).

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Timestamps in CLOGLAYOUT Records

Timestamps in an Adabas 8 command log created using CLOGLAYOUT=8 are stored in machine time (GMT), whereas CLOGLAYOUT=5 timestamps are stored, as always, in local time. The LORECX record layout that describes the CLOGLAYOUT=8 command log includes a differential time field that stores the difference between machine time and local time at the time the CLOG record is written. This field allows you to calculate the local time of a command log record.

Because of the different timestamp formats used in CLOGLAYOUT=5 and CLOGLAYOUT=8 command logs, we do not recommend that you mix or merge command logs created using different CLOGLAYOUT settings (and, in fact, Adabas does not allow this in cluster or parallel services environments). If you do, your results will be unpredictable.

The command logs used for all Adabas nuclei in a cluster environment must be created using the same CLOGLAYOUT setting. If you mix settings, your results will be unpredictable.

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PRILOG : Printing the Command Log

Adabas provides the PRILOG print program to read and report the contents of Adabas command logs in either version 5 or version 8 command log layout format.

For version 5 command log layouts, the volume names of enhanced I/O-Lists may also be reported.

PRILOG reads a sequential Adabas command log that has been produced directly by the Adabas nucleus (DD/LOG file) or by the ADARES CLCOPY utility when the Adabas nucleus uses dual or multiple command logging.

PRILOG is supplied in both source and object form.

Although PRILOG can be customized, Software AG does not support the program when it has been modified by the user.

In source form, three modules (PRILOG, CCSTCK, and PRILOGD) are supplied for the z/OS, z/VSE, and BS2000 operating systems. These modules replace all PRILOG versions supplied with earlier versions of Adabas.

Two of the PRILOG modules are system-independent components and one is specific to a particular operating system:

PRILOG interprets control statements; generates report lines from CLOG records.
CCSTCK converts internal timestamp information on CLOG records into a more useful form before printing, making it compliant with Year 2000 standards. CCSTCK is provided independently so it can also be used by other programs.
PRILOGD retrieves an input control card image and a CLOG record and prints a line. PRILOGD is system-dependent. It contains a number of parameters that are described in the source.

This section covers the following topics:

Print Program Input

As input, the PRILOG program requires CLOG records and control statements.

Control statements must begin with the program name "PRILOG" in columns 1 through 7; at least one space must follow the program name before parameters are entered.

Parameters can be entered up to column 71. No continuation or parameter splitting is permitted. Additional parameters can be entered on a separate PRILOG statement.

A comment line begins with an asterisk (*). Comments may also be added to the right side of the parameter string as long as the comment is separated from the parameter value by at least one space.

Control Statement Parameters

Three parameters can be entered on the PRILOG control statements:


The CLOGLAYOUT parameter identifies the format of the CLOG records being used as input to the PRILOG program. Valid values are 5 and 8; the default value is 5. The syntax is:


FIELDS Parameter

The FIELDS parameter identifies the item (or items) from the CLOG records that are to be printed. Its syntax is:

FIELDS= { ( item, ... ) | ( LIST) }

Replace item with one of the following:

Item Description
ACBX Adabas extended control block
FB format buffer
IB ISN buffer
IOL I/O list
LIST Adabas control block field list
MB multifetch buffer
PB performance buffer
RB record buffer
SB search buffer
UXB user exit B buffer
VB value buffer
VERB verbosity (see below)

The default value is "LIST". Multiple items can be listed in any order.

If a data item listed in the FIELDS parameter is not being captured during the ADALOG session and is therefore not present in the CLOG record, the request to print that data item is ignored.

If "VERB" is specified, then a more verbose output is generated. The additional fields displayed are the Additions 1, Additions 2 and Additions 5 fields along with the full communications ID. These values are all displayed in hexadecimal format. Also, if the DIMENSIONS parameter specifies a narrower output format, the fields not printed in the columns will be displayed in the verbose output format.


The optional DIMENSIONS parameter is used to specify the format that the printed output should take. The number of columns must be 80, 133, or 163, but any number of rows can be specified. If no value for rows is specified, there will be no page breaks and the column headers will print only once. The syntax of the DIMENSIONS parameter:

DIMENSIONS=({80[, x] | 133[, x]  | 163[, x] | OLD})

If the DIMENSIONS parameter is not specified when CLOGLAYOUT=5 is specified, the traditional 118-column/58-row output is generated. If it is specified, a new style output will be generated according to the dimensions specified.

If the DIMENSIONS parameter is not specified when CLOGLAYOUT=8 is specified, the output will default to 163 columns with no page breaks. If you prefer to generate the traditional 118-column/58-row output format for CLOGLAYOUT=8 logs, specify DIMENSIONS=OLD.

Command Selection Parameters

You can also filter the PRILOG output using the command selection parameters described in this section:

CLASS Command Selection Parameter

Use the CLASS parameter to select log records whose command codes belong to the specified command classes. The CLASS parameter has the following syntax:


The following table describes the keywords that can be specified:

Keyword Commands Included
CONTROL BT, CL, C1, C3, C5, ET, HI, OP, MC, RC, RE, or RI
FIND S1, S2, S4, S8, or S9
READ LF, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, or L9
UPDATE A1, E1, I1, N1, or N2

In the following example, the commands included in the FIND and UPDATE keywords are selected:


COMMAND Command Selection Parameter

Use the COMMAND parameter to select log records whose commands match specified Adabas command names. The COMMAND parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas command can be specified for cmd. In the following example, log records for the OP, S1, L1, E1, and CL commands are selected:


DATE Command Selection Parameter

Use the DATE parameter to select log records whose timestamps fall between the inclusive start and end times specified. The DATE parameter has the following syntax:


All times must be specified in military (24-hour) time format.

The first date and time specified in the DATE parameter is the start date and time; the second date and time pair in the syntax is the end date and time. A comma separates these start and end timestamps. Log records with dates that fall on or between these timestamps will be selected. In the following example, all log data occurring between (and including) 19:16:00.000 and 20:20:20.999 on October 10, 2006 will be selected.

PRILOG DATE=(10-OCT-2006:19:16:00,10-OCT-2006:20:20:20)

If a time is specified, a date is mandatory. If a time is not specified or if only part of the time is specified, the missing values will be assumed to be zero. For example, a specification of 10-OCT-2006:19:16 is interpreted as 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00 and a specification of 10-OCT-2006:19 is interpreted as 10-OCT-2006:19:00:00.

If no start timestamp is specified, then all records that fall up until the end of the specified range are selected. In the following example, all log records are selected that occurred earlier than and at 20:20:20:999 of October 10, 2006:

PRILOG DATE=(,10-OCT-2006:20:20:20)

If no end timestamp is specified, then all records that fall after the start of the specified range are selected. In the following example, all log records are selected that occur after or at 20:00:00:000 on October 10, 2006.

PRILOG DATE=(10-OCT-2006:20:00:00,)

If only one date (with no comma) is specified, then the records that are selected must have a timestamp that match the specified timestamp. In the following example, all log records are selected that occur within (and including) the range 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00.000 through 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00.999:

PRILOG DATE=(10-OCT-2006:19:16)

FILE Command Selection Parameter

Use the file parameter to select log records which reference a specified list of file numbers or range of file numbers. The FILE parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas file numbers can be substituted for num. A maximum of ten ranges or file number values may be specified

In the following example, any log record referencing file numbers 10, 20 or 30 through 40 are selected.

PRILOG FILE=(10,20,30-40)

LOGIN_ID Command Selection Parameter

Use the LOGIN_ID parameter to select log records with references to a specific login ID. The LOGIN_ID parameter has the following syntax:


Only one login ID can be specified for string. In the following example, any log record containing XSCPCOC in the LOGIN_ID column is selected.


RECORDS Command Selection Parameter

Use the RECORDS parameter to select log records with references to the specified command sequence number or range of command sequence numbers. The RECORDS parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid command sequence number can be substituted for num. In the following example, any log record containing a command sequence number between and including 101 and 677 will be selected.


RESPONSE Command Selection Parameter

Use the RESPONSE parameter to select log records that reference the specified list of response codes or range of response codes. The RESPONSE parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas response codes can be substituted for num. A maximum of ten ranges or response code values may be specified

In the following example, any log record referencing response codes 0, 17, or 15 through 61 are selected.

PRILOG RESPONSE=(0,17,15-61)

USER_ID Command Selection Parameter

Use the USER_ID parameter to select log records with references to a specific user ID. The USER_ID parameter has the following syntax:


Only one user ID can be specified for string. In the following example, any log record containing XSCPCOC in the USER_ID column is selected.


PRILOG Messages

PRILOG messages are documented in the Adabas Messages and Codes manual as "PL6nnna" (independent) and "PL6ann" (system-dependent) messages.

Installing and Using PRILOG under z/VSE

The following components comprise the PRILOG print program for z/VSE:

Member Description
PRILOG.A Independent PRILOG assembly language source module
PRILOGD.A VSE-dependent PRILOG assembly language source module
CCSTCK.A Independent Adabas STCK conversion assembly language source module
PRILOG.OBJ Object deck for PRILOG
CCSTCK.OBJ Object deck for CCSTCK
PRILOG.PHASE Executable phase for PRILOG
ASMPRILO.X Sample z/VSE JCS to assemble, catalog, and link the PRILOG, CCSTCK, and PRILOGD components into the PRILOG.PHASE
JPRILOG.X Sample z/VSE JCS to execute the PRILOG utility

The PRILOG.PHASE may be executed from the library without additional preparation. However, if it becomes necessary to reassemble and relink the PRILOG.PHASE, the following points must be observed:

Executing PRILOG under z/VSE

Execute the PRILOG print program by running the PRILOG.PHASE in either a static or dynamic partition.

The PRILOG program uses three files:

File Description
SYSIPT PRILOG control card data; may be read from any valid device that can be assigned to SYSIPT
SYSLST PRILOG report file; may be written to any device that can be assigned to SYSLST
SYS001 (DDCLOG) Sequential command log input file; this file may reside on any IBM-supported disk device, or it may be read from tape


  1. The PRILOG control cards must be available from SYSIPT. If on disk or tape, they must be 80-byte records with a fixed record format.
  2. The PRILOG report file must be written to SYSLST. If assigned to disk or tape, the output records are 121 bytes in length with a fixed record format. ASA control characters are used for printer control and are in the first byte of each print record.
  3. The sequential command log file must be assigned to SYS001. The file may be on disk or tape and may not have a block size greater than 32,760 bytes. The record format is VARBLK.

The provided JPRILOG.X JCS member may be modified according to your installation's requirements to execute the PRILOG print program. Modify the extent, DLBL, sublibrary, and volume information before submitting the job.

Installing and Using PRILOG under z/OS

The following components comprise the PRILOG print program for z/OS:

Member Library Description
PRILOG ADAvrs.SRCE Independent PRILOG assembly language source module
PRILOGD ADAvrs.SRCE z/OS-dependent PRILOG assembly language source module
CCSTCK ADAvrs.SRCE Independent Adabas STCK conversion assembly language source module
ASMPRILO ADAvrs.JOBS Sample JCL to assemble and link the PRILOG, CCSTCK, and PRILOGD components into the PRILOG load module.
JPRILOG ADAvrs.JOBS Sample JCL to execute the PRILOG utility

The PRILOG program uses three files:

Files Description
DDCARD used for input parameter data; may be any sequential 80-byte record file supported by QSAM.
DDPRINT used for the output command log report; may be assigned to SYSOUT or to any 121-byte record data set with record format of FBA.
DDCLOGIN used for the input sequential command log file; must be a sequential file produced by the ADARES CLCOPY utility, or the direct DDLOG sequential file produced by an Adabas nucleus when single command logging is used.

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PRILOGC: Printing the Command Log

Adabas provides the PRILOGC print program to read and report the contents of Adabas command logs in either version 5 or version 8 command log layout format.

PRILOGC reads a sequential Adabas command log that has been produced directly by the Adabas nucleus (DD/LOG file) or by the ADARES CLCOPY utility when the Adabas nucleus uses dual or multiple command logging.

PRILOGC is supplied only in source form.

Although PRILOGC can be customized, Software AG does not support the program when it has been modified. To use PRILOGC you must at least compile the source provided by Software AG, although no modifications are necessary.

PRILOGC sources are supplied for the z/OS, z/VSE, BS2000, Sun Solaris, and Windows operating systems. These modules replace all PRILOGC versions supplied with earlier versions of Adabas.

Two of the PRILOGC modules are system-independent components, and one is specific to a particular operating system.

This section covers the following topics:

z/OS Library Members

For z/OS environments, the following sources are provided:

PRILOGC Main program logic - written in C.
CCSTCK Code to convert a STCK value into YYMMDD - written in assembler.

The following JCL members are provided in z/OS environments:

ASMPRILC Sample JCL to assemble the CCSTCK ADABAS STCK convert routine and link-edit the CCSTCK module. Also use this member to compile and link PRILOGC using the IBM/C compiler.

z/VSE Library Members

For z/VSE environments, the following sources are provided:

PRILOGC.C Source for main program logic. Written in C.
CCSTCK.A Source to convert a STCK value into YYMMDD. Written in assembler.
TIMEPRT.A Source to convert an 8-byte field containing 'clock ticks' into a string of the form XXX.YYY MS. This is required on z/VSE due to the absence of long support in z/VSE C. This is used in PRILOGC when populating DURation and SELection fields in the output. Written in assembler.

The following JCL members are provided in z/VSE environments:

ASMPRILC.X Sample JCS to optionally assemble CCSTCK and TIMEPRT, and compile and link PRILOGC.

BS2000 Library Members

For BS2000 environments, the following sources are provided:

PRILOGC Main program logic - written in C.
CCSTCK Code to convert a STCK value into YYMMDD - written in assembler.

The following JCL members are provided in BS2000 environments:

ASMBS2 Sample JCL that can be adapted to assemble the CCSTCK ADABAS STCK convert routine.
C Compile and link PRILOGC using the IBM/C compiler.

Print Program Input

As input, the PRILOGC program requires CLOG records and control statements.

Control statements are read from stdin and take one or more of the following parameters:

a: print Additions fields
l: large line size
b: dump with verbosity
t: dump with traditional format - dump records in format used by earlier prilogc with Version 5 CLOGS
c: dump Control Block
f: dump Format Buffer
r: dump Record Buffer
s: dump Search Buffer
u: dump User   Buffer
v: dump Value  Buffer
n: dump ISN    Buffer
6: dump in Open System V6 Format
8: dump in Mainframe V8 Format
x: dump extended  Buffer (User Data)
i: dump IO List
h: dump help information
d: output dimensions (columns,rows), where columns can be 80 or 133 or 163

Example: -clfrsvbtnix -d=133,200

If a data item specified from the list above is not being captured during the ADALOG session and is therefore not present in the CLOG record, the request to print that data item is ignored.

If -b verbosity is specified, then a more verbose output is generated. The additional fields displayed are the Additions 1, Additions 2, and Additions 5 fields along with the full communications ID. These values are all displayed in hexadecimal format. Also, if the -d DIMENSIONS parameter specifies a narrower output format, the fields not printed in the columns will be displayed in the verbose output format.

The optional DIMENSIONS parameter (-d=cols,rows) is used to specify the format that the printed output should take. The number of columns must be 80, 133, or 163, but any number of rows can be specified. If no value for rows is specified, there will be no page breaks and the column headers will print only once.

Command Selection Parameters

You can also filter the PRILOGC output using the command selection parameters described in this section:

CLASS Command Selection Parameter

Use the CLASS parameter to select log records whose command codes belong to the specified command classes. The CLASS parameter has the following syntax:


The following table describes the keywords that can be specified:

Keyword Commands Included
CONTROL BT, CL, C1, C3, C5, ET, HI, OP, MC, RC, RE, or RI
FIND S1, S2, S4, S8, or S9
READ LF, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, or L9
UPDATE A1, E1, I1, N1, or N2

In the following example, the commands included in the FIND and UPDATE keywords are selected:


COMMAND Command Selection Parameter

Use the COMMAND parameter to select log records whose commands match specified Adabas command names. The COMMAND parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas command can be specified for cmd. In the following example, log records for the OP, S1, L1, E1, and CL commands are selected:


DATE Command Selection Parameter

Use the DATE parameter to select log records whose timestamps fall between the inclusive start and end times specified. The DATE parameter has the following syntax:


All times must be specified in military (24-hour) time format. Note that the date fields above can optionally be followed by hours, minutes, and seconds.

The first date and time specified in the date parameter is the start date and time; the second date and time pair in the syntax is the end date and time. A comma separates these start and end timestamps. Log records with dates that fall on or between these timestamps will be selected. In the following example, all log data occurring between (and including) 19:16:00.000 and 20:20:20.999 on October 10, 2006 will be selected.


If a time is specified, a date is mandatory. If a time is not specified or if only part of the time is specified, the missing values will be assumed to be zero. For example, a specification of 10-OCT-2006:19:16 is interpreted as 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00 and a specification of 10-OCT-2006:19 is interpreted as 10-OCT-2006:19:00:00.

If no start timestamp is specified, then all records that fall up until the end of the specified range are selected. In the following example, all log records are selected that occurred earlier than and at 20:20:20:999 of October 10, 2006:


If no end timestamp is specified, then all records that fall after the start of the specified range are selected. In the following example, all log records are selected that occur after or at 20:00:00:000 on October 10, 2006.


If only one date (with no comma) is specified, then the records that are selected must have a timestamp that match the specified timestamp. In the following example, all log records are selected that occur within (and including) the range 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00.000 through 10-OCT-2006:19:16:00.999:


FILE Command Selection Parameter

Use the file parameter to select log records which reference a specified list of file numbers or range of file numbers. The FILE parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas file numbers can be substituted for num. A maximum of ten ranges or file number values may be specified

In the following example, any log record referencing file numbers 10, 20 or 30 through 40 are selected.


LOGIN_ID Command Selection Parameter

Use the LOGIN_ID parameter to select log records with references to a specific login ID. The LOGIN_ID parameter has the following syntax:


Only one login ID can be specified for string. In the following example, any log record containing XSCPCOC in the LOGIN_ID column is selected.


RECORDS Command Selection Parameter

Use the RECORDS parameter to select log records with references to the specified command sequence number or range of command sequence numbers. The RECORDS parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid command sequence number can be substituted for num. In the following example, any log record containing a command sequence number between and including 101 and 677 will be selected.


RESPONSE Command Selection Parameter

Use the RESPONSE parameter to select log records that reference the specified list of response codes or range of response codes. The RESPONSE parameter has the following syntax:


Any valid Adabas response codes can be substituted for num. A maximum of ten ranges or response code values may be specified

In the following example, any log record referencing response codes 0, 17, or 15 through 61 are selected.


USER_ID Command Selection Parameter

Use the USER_ID parameter to select log records with references to a specific user ID. The USER_ID parameter has the following syntax:


Only one user ID can be specified for string. In the following example, any log record containing XSCPCOC in the USER_ID column is selected.


Installing and Using PRILOGC under z/OS

The following components comprise the PRILOGC print program for z/OS:

Member Library Description
PRILOGC ADAvrs.SRCE Independent PRILOGC source module written in C.
CCSTCK ADAvrs.SRCE Independent Adabas STCK conversion assembly language source module.
ASMPRILC ADAvrs.JOBS Sample JCL to assemble and link CCSTCK, and compile and link PRILOGC load module.
JPRILOGC ADAvrs.JOBS Sample JCL to execute the PRILOGC utility.

Before PRILOGC can run on z/OS, the PRILOGC load module must be built by running the compile and link step of the sample job ASMPRILC.

The PRILOGC program uses three files:

Files Description
PARM data PRILOGC control card parameter data, passed via the PARM= keyword on the JCL EXEC statement.
SYSPRINT used for the output command log report; may be assigned to SYSOUT or to any 121-byte record data set with record format of FBA.
PRLIN used for the input sequential command log file; must be a sequential file produced by the ADARES CLCOPY utility, or the direct DDLOG sequential file produced by an Adabas nucleus when single command logging is used.

Installing and Using PRILOGC under z/VSE

The following components comprise the PRILOGC print program for z/VSE:

Member Description
PRILOGC.C Independent PRILOGC assembly language source module
CCSTCK.A Independent STCK conversion assembly language source module
TIMEPRT.A VSE-only time conversion assembly language source module
CCSTCK.OBJ Object deck for CCSTCK
ASMPRILC.X Sample z/VSE JCS to optionally assemble and catalog CCSTCK and TIMEPRT, and compile and link PRILOGC into the PRILOGC.PHASE
JPRILOGC.X Sample z/VSE JCS to execute the PRILOGC utility

Before PRILOGC can be run on z/VSE, the PRILOGC.PHASE must be built, using linkage editor control statements from the link-edit step in sample job ASMPRILC.X.

When running ASMPRILC to reassemble PRILOGC components or link the PRILOGC.PHASE, the following points must be observed:

Executing PRILOGC under z/VSE

Execute the PRILOGC print program by running the PRILOGC.PHASE in either a static or dynamic partition.

The PRILOGC program uses three files:

File Description
PARM data PRILOGC control card parameter data, passed via the PARM= keyword on the JCS EXEC statement.
SYSLST PRILOGC report file; may be written to any device that can be assigned to SYSLST
SYS001 (PRLIN) Sequential command log input file; this file may reside on any IBM-supported disk device, or it may be read from tape


  1. The PRILOGC report file must be written to SYSLST. ASA control characters are used for printer control and are in the first byte of each print record.
  2. The sequential command log file must be assigned to SYS001. The file may be on disk or tape and may not have a block size greater than 32,760 bytes. The record format is VARBLK.

The provided JPRILOGC.X JCS member may be modified according to your installation's requirements to execute the PRILOGC print program. Modify the extent, DLBL, sublibrary, and volume information before submitting the job.

Installing and Using PRILOGC under BS2000

The following components comprise the PRILOGC print program under BS2000:

Member Library Description
PRILOGC (S) ADAvrs.BS2SRCE Independent PRILOGC source module written in C.
CCSTCK (S) ADAvrs.BS2SRCE Independent Adabas STCK conversion assembly language source module.
ASMBS2 (J) ADAvrs.BS2SRCE General sample JCL that can be adapted to assemble.
C (J) ADAvrs.BS2SRCE Sample JCL to compile PRILOGC and bind it together with CCSTCK and C runtime components.
JPRILOGC (J) ADAvrs.BS2SRCE Sample JCL to execute the PRILOGC utility.

Before PRILOGC can run in BS2000 environments, the PRILOGC load module must be built by running the compile and link step of the sample job C.

The PRILOGC program reads the control card parameter data from SYSDTA in the job deck and writes the command col report to SYSOUT.

The input sequential command log file produced by the ADARES CLCOPY utility is accessed through the link name PRLIN. To read this, it must be declared as unblocked. For example:


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